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  • Total Gym RS Encompass PowerTower®

    Diseñado y fabricado comercialmente para la clínica de rehabilitación, Recovery Series Encompass PowerTower® permite cambios de carga incrementales motorizados durante el ejercicio con solo presionar un botón, mientras que las manijas del control remoto permiten ajustes de nivel de control táctil durante el ejercicio.

    Con un deslizador ajustable, el RS Encompass PowerTower® ofrece la máxima versatilidad para el acondicionamiento, el entrenamiento atlético y la rehabilitación específicos para deportes de alto rendimiento.

    Capaz de cargar del 1 % al 72 % del peso corporal, la estación RS Encompass PowerTower® es para aquellos que simplemente quieren lo mejor. También viene de serie con la plataforma de cadena cerrada, el adaptador BAPS, las barras de inmersión retráctiles, el manubrio para sentadillas y el regulador de distancia de deslizamiento.

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  • Total Gym RS Encompass™

    The RS Encompass™ allows clinicians to build injury-specific treatment protocols and training modalities that can accelerate successful patient outcomes for a variety of demands. The RS Encompass™ recreates and strengthens the way the body executes daily physical activities and stores those functions in the muscle memory. This allows the patient to recover more productively and more functionally using their own bodyweight as resistance, fine-tuning the increment levels to pin point exact increases or decreases in bodyweight percentage use.

    The result is full body conditioning through the fitness continuum from early post-injury to high performance training.

    Also comes standard with the Closed Chain Platform, BAPS Adapter, Retractable Dip Bars, Squat Handle Bar and Slide Distance Regulator.

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  • Total Gym RS LEX™

    The Recovery Series LEX™ (Lower EX-tremity) allows for faster lower extremity recovery, from post-surgery to explosive training, in a safe and progressive manner. Users work with a percentage of their own bodyweight to perform a squat or a jump, leveraging both linear bodyweight resistance and variable band resistance.

    The RS LEX™ supports the spine during traditional squat exercises to comfortably control the descending and ascending phases of a squat or jump, while providing an opportunity for advanced variations including, single-leg squats and staggered stance squats. The included Slide Distance Regulator allows for a customized rolling distance of the glide board based on an individual’s strength and mobility.

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  • Total Gym RS Row ADJ™

    The RS Row ADJ™ is the only machine on an incline that works in a rowing motion while improving muscular fitness and satisfying both cardiovascular aerobic and strength training requirements simultaneously. The RS Row ADJ™ uses bodyweight resistance and enables a smooth consistent load through the entire range of motion, due to loaded eccentric and concentric phases of the exercise.

    Designed for multi-planar movement including exercises such as biceps curls and an alternating side to side row, the RS Row ADJ™ is fun to use and user friendly, accommodating all fitness levels.

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